Ruto asks community to prioritize mother-child care

By Enock Okong’o

President William Ruto has asked citizens to give priority to mother-child care services in order to have healthy children for the continuity of the nation.

The president while speaking at Gesusus Ward in Nyaribari Masaba Constituency said that children who are given good parental care with enabling environment necessitated by provision of basics like love, food and shelter motivates children to perform better in school.

“Children with good nourishment and medical care that leads to good health imply a health and progressive nation. We are committed to the provision of good health facilities and education to our people and this calls for consolidated effort,” he said.

President Ruto revealed that the national government will partner with the Kisii County government to provide Universal Health care by protecting the mother and the child.

He praised Kisii County Governor Arati for his effort to work With Kisii University and Kisii Teaching And Referral Hospital to sustain the health of the population.

He challenged the governor to put up another health facility dedicated to Mother-Child care, promising that the national government will step in to equip the hospital.

“I know the Ministry of health is a devolved function but devolution is just a name and our people must be served equitably from both governments,” said the president.

Ruto, who was flanked by Nyamira County Governor Simba Amos Nyaribo and his Kisii’s counterpart Simba Arati, provided a roadmap on the government’s quest to serve the citizens to reach their desired development goals.

He thanked the Kisii County government for accepting to provide an alternative land to enable them relocate the Kisii Prisons and Correctional institution from Kisii town to create space for the establishment of an industrial park.

“We have put aside Shilling 100,000 million to put and industrial park that will enable the processing and value addition of our farm produce to fetch more money from the international market,” he said.

The President said that after the completion of the envisioned park, it will create employment opportunities for many educated but jobless youths in the county.

He asked the youth to enroll themselves in local TVET institutions to enable them get relevant skills needed in the job market.

“Such upcoming industries need skilled labourers and I urge our youths to take the earliest opportunities to equip themselves with those skills by joining Technical Colleges,” he advised.

In the well-attended meeting whose climax was marked President Ruto’s gracing CS Machogu’s home coming Ceremony, the community pledged to cooperate with the government of the day.

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