Rotary club, Manchester united fans donate sanitary pads to high school girls

By Tony Wafula

The Rotary Club of Bungoma and Kanduyi Manchester United fans donated sanitary pads to Bethesda Girl’s high school in Kanduyi Constituency, Bungoma County on Saturday, 3rd September.

The school’s Principal, Prudence Wafula said that the school took merit to partner with other organizations from within Bungoma town to support girls in her school.

“The girl child has been taken as an inferior human being in the community. That is why I took an initiative to invite these organizations to come and support my girls,” she noted.

Ms. Wafula said that the whole day was set aside to empower the girls, showcase their talents and get guidance and counseling.

“I set aside this big day for my girls so that they can feel they are loved, pads will be given to them and later on counseled,” she said.

She pointed out that many of the school going girls fell prey to early teenage pregnancies due to lack of support one of them being lack of sanitary pads.

The Principal called on parents to play their role and ensure that they bring up strong ladies who will lead in the future.

“These are the young leaders of tomorrow. Parents should not leave them to us, we should combine our efforts and ensure that our girls are supported,” she said.

Antony Wekesa, a Rotaract said that the Rotary club has many programs of empowering the community citing cleaning of the environment, supporting education and creating awareness on health issues.

“We not only distribute sanitary pads in schools but also partner with relevant authorities to clean up streets, rivers, donate blood and donate learning materials in schools,” said Wekesa.

Mr. Wekesa said that the Rotary club of Bungoma liaises with school heads where girls from poor homes are supported with dignity kits to enhance their menstruation health.

“The dignity kits we give them have several items inside that can serve them for almost two weeks,” said Wekesa.

Jacinta Ochieng’, a Manchester United fan told the press that they aim at nurturing girls talents in schools.

“We have many people that are earning right away from their talents, it is also good that we nurture our young ones talents,” she noted.

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