Rotary club boosts sanitation in school to enhance performance

By Amoto Ndiewo

A pilot project aimed at enhancing school performance through water, sanitation and hygiene activities has been launched in Asembo East in Siaya County.

The project, dubbed ‘Baraka Wash Project’ by the Rotary Club of Kisumu hopes to establish a connection between hygiene and improved education standards in the area where its parent club, Rotary international has pumped millions of shillings to improve sanitation.

According to the Club President Amos Okello, the project which was launched jointly with UNICEF and other partners aims at enhancing school attendance through proper sanitation and hygiene.

Speaking at Rariw Primary school in Bondo sub county where the club donated water tanks to the community, Okelo said residents will also benefit from modern EcoSan toilets.

“The soil in Asembo is not conducive for pit latrines and unfortunately many have sunk. This poses grave danger to both children and the community at large,” he said.

He added that proper sanitation and proper provision of clean, portable water would improve school attendance and enhance hygiene hence yield better results in the national examinations.

“There is correlation between clean water, basic education and literacy levels,” he noted.

Rotary international assistant governor in charge of western Kenya region, Kizito Omollo disclosed that in conjunction with other philanthropic organizations will distribute 14 water tanks, each having a capacity to hold 5,000 litres of water to the area community.

He added that Rariw primary school will also receive two water tanks of 10,000 litres capacity each to serve the school population and nearby villages.

Omollo said that Rotary club international will further engage in tree planting and provision of sanitary towels for the girl child to further enhance school attendance and performance.

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