Rotary club asks stakeholders to support CBC

By Kage Njoroge

Karen Lang’ata rotary club official Jeff Gitau has urged financially abled people to support the implementation of the new Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) by providing facilities that will enable effective teaching and learning in public schools in the country.

Speaking at Gakoigo primary school in Maragua in Murang’a County while handing over an ablution block project financed by members of the Karen Lang’ata rotary club, Gitau argued that CBC needs the support of all stakeholders.

‘Most public primary and secondary schools require complimentary assistance to make them inspiring, child friendly environment for quality learning,’ Gitau said.

Gitau, who mobilized the Nairobi based Rotarians to fund the project, said attractive, peaceful and secure school environments contribute to better performance of the learners.

He added that the club had also built a library hall and equipped it with books and learning materials so as to improve performance in national examinations.

The Rotarian also runs a mentorship and motivation programme for the children and teachers in this school.

Gitau disclosed the Rotarians are mobilizing resources to renovate most of the buildings, construct more ablution blocks and establish a digital library to benefit the learners.

Kizito Makatiani, the president of the rotary club, said they  were financially supported by Rotary Club of Dunfermline -Scotland to construct this facility aimed at improving healthcare and tackling basic illnesses affecting children in learning institutions.

Kizito told parents to take the education of their children seriously and to compliment the government’s efforts in providing the required infrastructures.

‘Citizens should feel duty bound to assist children achieve their educational objectives in public schools,’ he said.

Engineer Joseph Muli, a Rotarian, told the learners to be keen on their studies so as to acquire knowledge and skills which will empower them to be innovative in the workplace.

 The engineer observed that the workplace is always looking for skills, innovativeness   and competency while hiring employees who can cope with cut throat competition.

He urged learners to learn useful skills which can enable them create their own investment ventures and products for the market.

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