Rising students’ indiscipline blamed on poor parenting

By Jeff Mwangi

Parents have been urged to create time for their children so as to teach them good morals.

Speaking to Education News in his office, Meru county KNUT executive secretary Caxton Miungi appealed to parents to adjust their busy schedules and have time for their children.

‘Parents have added their responsibilities to the teachers making the children to feel distanced from their parents. A parent needs to have time for his or her children so as to understand them and mould them well,’ he said.

He added that it is wrong for most parents to argue that they do not have time for their children because of their busy schedules.

‘Early pregnancies are as a result of parents failing to have ample time with their children and teaching them what is right and wrong. If parents spared time to be with their children, issues like early pregnancies would be a thing of the past. There is need for every parent to take a role in parenting their children,’ Miungi said.

His sentiments were echoed by Elizabeth Kalambu, a parent and a local leader from Meru County.

Mrs Kalambu said that school fires have been rampant because of school going children having bad behavior.

“I appeal to all parents and mostly the mothers to have time with their children. It is the only way a parent can get to learn his or her child. Let us not leave the parenting roles to teachers because parenting is our responsibility,’ she said.

Kenya is witnessing a spike in the cases of unrest in schools with more than 31 learning institutions having been burnt down this term alone. Parents will be forced to pay for all the damages caused.

Education stakeholders have argued that students could be stressed because of the over packed academic calendar. The new calendar is meant to help recover the time lost during the closure of schools due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

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