Rising insecurity blamed on increased school dropouts in Tana River

The rising insecurity in Madogo and Sala wards in Tana River County has been attributed to rising cases of school dropouts and negligence by parents.

Speaking to Education News in his Madogo Township office, King of the Walwana tribe, Hayu Ramadani Babisani called on parents to step up their role of guiding their children.

“Whenever, a parent is approached when their child falls in the wrong side of the law, they always come support their children,” he lamented.

He added: “This is dangerous because, parents as caretakers are supposed to be teachers, and the moment they abscond their roles, we know our future is in huge trouble.”

Ramadhani regretted that some primary school pupils have dropped out of school and joined the Kayole criminal gang, but their parents have remained quiet.

He noted that adding insult to injury, the young boys in petty crime are enticing young girls out of school.

“It becomes a triple tragedy when the petty criminals entice girls out of school, and with both parents being careless, such relationships often end in early pregnancies and child marriages,” he said,

Noting that going to school has become a tall order for many in both wards, the King called on area learners who dropped out of school to enrol in local polytechnics to acquire technical skills.

“If joining polytechnics becomes too difficult, then we have fertile land which these youth can till to grow food to boost food security and efforts to avert climate change.’’ He suggested.

By Amoto Ndiewo

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