Retired teachers reject proposal to rename Kisii County

Maoto Nyamoko, one of the teachers who oppose the renaming of Kisii County.

A group of retired teachers from Kisii County have opposed the proposal by the National Integration and Cohesion Commission (NCIC) to rename Kisii County.

Led by Peter Makori, the former teachers argued that the colonial injustices against the community, including the beheading and confiscation of the head of the community’s hero Otenyo Nyamaterere, were enough and renaming the county will be tantamount to killing their past.

They appealed to great scholars from the community like former Kisii University Vice Chancellor (VC) Professor John Akama and Abagusii Cultural and Development Council elders like Matundura Araka and Pr Harrison Moronya to consult to avoid such proposals that are meant to divide the community.

Ondieki Moiruruki asked the NCIC to look at other more meaningful ways of uniting all the Kenyan tribes like education and sports rather than mere change of ethnic names, which will deprive them of their cultural attachment.

He questioned the wisdom of the NCIC and challenged it to view the ethnical names among Kenyan communities as a big treasure in unity in diversity, which adds value to the aesthetic structure of the country.

The teachers asked area legislators to be in the forefront to reject the proposal if it is tabled in Parliament.

Their protest is based on recent suggestions by NCIC that Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Nandi, Kisii, Embu, Turkana, Samburu, Taita Taveta, Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot counties should be renamed to have a national outlook.


JSS teachers castigated for abandoning the children under their care

By Enock Okong’o

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