Resume Teachers salary talks or we strike – Kuppet tells Govt

By Wasike Elvis 

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) now demands the immediate reopening of talks for teachers’ salary review that was frozen in 2020.

Speaking in Eldoret during the 23rd Annual Delegates Conference (ADC), Kuppet secretary-general Akelo Misori said the economy has improved and the Ministry should open the talks with immediate effect.

He said if the government will not respond to the teachers demand they will have no option but call for a National strike dubbed ‘Mother of all strikes’.

“We want to tell the government through the Ministry of Education that we are really serious with this matter and they should ignore us at thirty own peril,” Kuppet Secretary General said.

“Having considered all factors affecting the terms and conditions of work for teachers, the ADC demands the immediate re-opening of talks for salary review for teachers since the halt was pegged on poor economic performance occasioned by the COVIDI19 pandemic,” said Misori.

He noted according to President Uhuru Kenyatta’s state of the Nation address to parliament, worries about economic performance have been overcome by the remarkable post Covid 19 recovery and  robust growth rates that have been registered.

“It is on the basis of that recovery that the government has reviewed salaries and allowances for several cadres in the Judicial Service Commission, the Public Service Commissions, and County governments over the last few months.

“The ADC has therefore directed the KUPPET National Executive Board to immediately communicate the union’s demand to the National Treasury, the Teachers Service Commission, the Salaries and remuneration Commission, and all relevant institutions for the talks to be re-opened once schools resume from the Christmas holidays in January 2022,” he added.

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