Residents in Kisii raise concern over dangerous Nyangweta bridge

Bomachoge Borabu MP Obadiah Barongo.

Residents of Riokindo in Kenyenya Sub-county met recently to discuss issues affecting them.

The unrepaired bridge and poor state of roads dominated the discussion as they pointed out Nyangweta bridge that connects Motemomwamu Primary School to the other side of the village.

They appealed to the area elected leaders including Bomachoge Borabu Constituency MP Obadiah Barongo and Bokimonge Ward MCA Amos Onderi to repair the bridge before it causes deaths to them and their livestock.

Led by a retired teacher Zachariah Ondari, they cited an incident where a Grade five learner escaped death narrowly as she crossed the dilapidated bridge.

“This is a big death trap to our children as one of them was rescued recently when she slipped and dropped into the river as she crossed to school,” said Ondari.

They said that the reconstruction of the bridge has been neglected for a long time but its state worsened during the recent heavy rains in the region that caused floods on the river and swept it.

Boda boda operators who ferry children to school have opted to use longer routes and parents pay extra money as some fear entrusting their children to some people who are alleged to be sexual predators to school girls.


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The bridge serves learners who go to school at Riokindo Primary and Riokindo Secondary School, Senta, Kiabugesi Omosobwa as well as Riokindo Health Centre.

“We have raised this matter to our leaders several times but they don’t bother about it even after reminding them during the sub county development committee meetings,” said a resident David Bichang’a.

                                                                                      Poot state of Nyangweta bridge at Bokimonge Ward in Bomachoge Borabu Constituency. Photo Enock Okong’o

The concerned parents said the delayed repairing of the bridge will lead to the decline of education standards in the area because it hinders learners and teachers from attending school regularly as they fear crossing it.

MCA Onderi said plans were underway to repair the bridge but expressed doubts if the mandate to repair belongs to him or other leaders in the area.

The residents appealed to area Deputy County Commissioner Davis Mutembei and Sub-County Education Director George Ouma to visit the bridge and a witness the harm it is causing.

“We want this government officials assist us because our elected politicians have abandoned us,” said one of the resident Joyce Omare.

Most parents from both Riokindo Boys and Girls Boarding Secondary schools expressed fear for their children crossing the river when they will leave school for midterm break at the end of this month.

They appealed to the schools’ administration to make prior arrangements with parents on the alternative routes to be used for the safety of their children.

By Enock Okong’o

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