Residents concerned for their children after bridge collapses

By Enock Okong’o

Residents of Nyakorokoro village in Bomachoge Chache Constituency have expressed fear for their children’s safety during the holiday after a bridge collapsed.

The residents said that the bridge is the only main passage connecting them to Ogembo town where they do their businesses.

“We fear sending our children to run simple errands in town because of the flooded river,” said Mary Bochere, a local.

They appealed to the area MCA James Ondari to intervene and ask the county government to repair the bridge.

Ogembo town near River Gucha. Photo Enock Okong’o.

Area clan headman Abel Mariita narrated how the bridge sagged three years ago and collapsed when the former Makueni County Governor Alfred Mutua and his host the former Kisii County Deputy governor Joash Maangi escaped narrowly as they inspected it.

Parents from some of the schools that are located in Nyakorokoro appealed to both National and County governments to intervene and rebuild the bridge.

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