Relatives seek Govt intervention for children barred from going to school

Relatives and neighbors in Mitero village in Laikipia County have called on the Police to arrest a family that pulled their two children out of school, burnt their uniforms and restricted them from ever going to school.

They said that four years ago the parents joined a local church that discourages its members from enrolling their children in schools and visiting hospitals.

The children’s grandmother, Mary Mukami, revealed that five of the family’s seven children are of school-going age but have not been enrolled in any institution while the remaining two had already enrolled but were stopped.

“They saw this church on TV which does not believe in education or hospitals and have been following leading them to pull the kids out of school and burn their school uniforms,” she explained.

A close family member stated that the children’s parents claimed that school was not important and that their children would not have attended if they had known better.

He said that the children are now home-schooled by their parents where they are only taught about the end times from the book of Revelation.

Furthermore, the family members have isolated themselves from their neighbours.

“They do not like visitors. There was a time I visited them but their father, Michael, asked me to leave immediately because they didn’t want any guests,” Mukami said.

The relatives expressed concern about the children’s welfare and have urged relevant government agencies to take action against the family so the children go to school in line with their rights.

By Thuita Jaswant

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