Reinstate sacked JSS teachers, TSC told

Kericho JSS teachers protesting in Kericho town. Members of the County Assembly have renewed calls for the reinstatement of the dismissed 700 Junior Secondary School interns/ Photo courtesy

Members of the Kericho County Assembly have renewed calls for the reinstatement of the dismissed 700 Junior Secondary School (JSS) intern teachers.

Led by Mathew Korir of Chaik Ward, they noted that Teacher Service Commission (TSC) shattered the hopes of the interns and those of their families which had high hopes in them.

Addressing the press today, Korir maintained that the right to picketing is provided for in the constitution, hence it was wrong for TSC to dismiss the interns.

“The constitution allows for picketing and demonstrations but TSC has sacked JSS interns on the account of picketing. In Kericho County, we have contractual staff in the health department demonstrated recently but they were not sacked,” he said.

Korir has further urged parliament to overturn the decision, saying the interns are now suffering and depressed.


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The sentiments were echoed by Weldon Rogony of Sigowett, who observed that the Sub- County was the worst hit by the dismissals.

“This Sub- County of Soin/Sigowett was the worst affected by the dismissals. The affected teachers are suffering a lot and we want to ask TSC to withdraw the termination letters and reinstate the interns and this will be a win for all of us,” he said.

Teachers Unions have faulted the dismissals, demanding that TSC reinstates the teachers, who participated in protests demanding that they be converted into permanent and pensionable terms.

The interns were last month dismissed for allegedly failing to respond to the show cause letters after participating in demonstrating.

By Kimutai Langat

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