Re-introduce sports to curb unrest in schools, government urged

By Peter Otuoro

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has urged the government to re-introduce co-curricular activities specifically sports in the 2022 academic calendar in a bid to  curb unrest in secondary schools.

KUPPET Laikipia branch Executive Secretary Robert Miano while speaking to Education News said that for students to be mentally and physically settled, they need both academic and sports activities in the process of their learning period.

“For our students to all-rounded, academics and co-curricular activities are the two pillars of education that are need inclusion in their learning activities. They will not only be physically and mentally fit but the condition will quell the unrest witnessed last year,” said Miano.

He added that sports talents have landed many a Kenyans lucrative job opportunities locally and internationally.

“When we give our learners an opportunity to nurture their sports talents we are preparing them to excel and become role models in the country and abroad.” Miano concluded.

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