Rare gesture as private school offers to sponsor 50 children from poor families

Francis Bagaka, Hurricane Academy Manager. The school wants to sponsor 50 students from poor families starting next year.

A rare gesture is in the offing as a private school in Kitutu Chache South in Kisii County gets down to identifying 50 bright children from poor families for their sponsorship next year as a way of giving back to the community.

Hurricane Academy manager Francis Bagaka said chiefs and a team from the school will help to get those who fall under the said category.

“We will give orphans and vulnerable children a priority and vetting will be thorough,” Bagaka said.

The programme will run each year beginning 2024.

The school, he noted, performed well in the 2023 Kenya Certificate of primary Education (KCPE) examinations.

“19 candidates sat the examination. The best had 411 marks while the least scored 339,” he revealed.

Bagaka noted that the school provides 75 per cent of the required learning materials to ease the burden on parents and guardians.

He urged parents to care for their children during the long holidays and ensure they do not fall into bad company that will ruin their lives.

“I urge parents not to allow their children to join boda boda business as they will get used to quick money and be spoilt,” Bagaka said, appealing to parents whose children scored low marks to take them to secondary school as they will do well if given a conducive learning environment.

He lauded the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) as a practical and project-oriented curriculum and challenged parents to embrace it.

The curriculum, he noted, gives learners an opportunity to discover their talents at a tender age and exploit them.

He said the school has enough equipment and infrastructure to implement Junior Secondary School (JSS).

By Emmanuel Gwakoi

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