Ramba Boys school head voted ‘Principal of the Year’

By Erick Nyayiera

Canon James Okoyo, the Principal of Ramba Boys High School was recently crowned as the Principal of The Year Nyanza region (POYA).
The school was Siaya County’s second best-ranked school in last year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examination results and number 99 nationally.
Speaking to Education News in his office, he exuded confidence that the award was as a result of hard work that finally saw him beat principals from six counties to carry the region’s mantle to the national competition.
A jovial Okoyo who is 50-years-old has been the principal of Ramba Boys High School since 2011.
“The school’s student population has significantly increase from 860 in 2011 to 1,664 in 2018. The school’s student mean score has also been improving steadily from 7.54 in 2016 to 7.7 in 2017”, he observed.
Okoyo, who was awarded the title of a Canon by the Anglican Church of Kenya for his significant contribution in education, said he has strived to ensure curriculum implementation is effective, among many other interventions aimed at enhancing excellent academic performance.

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