Raila vows to provide free quality education

By Enock Okong’o

Presidential aspirant Raila Odinga has promised access to quality and free education countrywide from Kindergarten to University.

Raila who addressed a crowd at Kisii Stadium on Tuesday, 2nd August said that the prosperity of any country lies on the investment and provision of quality education to her people which only he can implement.

“If you elect me as president, my government will ensure this country becomes a beacon of quality education in Africa,” he said.

He said that his government will ascertain good working conditions for all categories of educators in the country.

He added that true freedom of any society is that which provides good education, promotes good health to her people and eradicates poverty.

The former premier who was flanked by his running mate Martha Karua, the Internal Security CS Fred Matiangi, the outgoing Kisii County Governor James Ongwae, Chris Obure, Prof Sam Ongeri among other leaders, praised the effort made by the county to promote ECDE by employing its teachers on permanent and pensionable terms.

CS Matiang’i led other Kisii Leaders to crown Raila as a Kisii elder. Photo Enock Okong’o.

Raila asked professionals from the region to shun from supporting and electing corrupt leaders in the forthcoming national elections terming them as enemies of development.

“I yearn for a rebirth of a corrupt free nation and this will be possible if the educated class will join hands and lead others to fight it because they have the ability and self conviction to kill this vice that has taken root in society,” he said.

During the day-long campaigns in the county, Raila visited the ongoing construction of Marani open air market, Simbogo Tea factory and the Banana processing factory at the Farmers Training Center in Kisii town.

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