Quality education must be equitable and accessible to all

Nyamai is a communications student at Rongo University.

Education is universally recognized as the key to success, yet disparities and inadequacies in the education system remain significant barriers. For a country to thrive, it must prioritize education, ensuring that all learners receive equitable opportunities and comprehensive social lessons.

One critical issue the government needs to address is the disparity in educational resources across different regions. Schools in rural and underprivileged areas often lack basic facilities, qualified teachers and educational materials. To bridge this gap, the government must allocate more funding and resources to these disadvantaged schools, ensuring that every student has access to a conducive learning environment.

Another pressing concern is the quality of education provided. Merely attending school is not enough; the education must be of high quality. This requires regular training and development programmes for teachers to enhance their skills and teaching methods. The government should implement mandatory professional development courses for teachers, focussing on innovative teaching strategies, inclusive education practices, and up-to-date subject knowledge.

Additionally, the curriculum should be revised to include essential social lessons. Topics such as empathy, teamwork, communication and critical thinking are crucial for holistic development. Integrating these into the curriculum will prepare students not just academically but also socially, equipping them with the skills needed to navigate and contribute to society effectively.

Furthermore, policies should ensure that all learners, regardless of their backgrounds, have equal opportunities. This includes providing support for students with disabilities, implementing anti-discrimination policies, and promoting an inclusive culture within schools.

By addressing these issues and emphasizing the continuous professional growth of teachers, the government can create a robust education system that serves as the foundation for a successful and equitable society. Prioritizing education is not just an investment in the future of individuals but in the nation’s overall development.


Teachers advised to open up about mental health struggles, seek assistance

By Tonny Kyule Nyamai, Rongo University.

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