PS Njogu calls for introduction of German language in TVET curriculum

Diaspora PS Roseline Njogu speaking at Madaraka Primary School during the Ujuzi Mashinani graduation.

Principals have been urged to introduce the German language as a subject in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions to widen students’ scope of job opportunities in the diaspora.

Principal Secretary (PS) for Diaspora Affairs Roseline Njogu said that there will be a lot of job opportunities as the country is set to sign a bilateral labour agreement with Germany in September.

Speaking at Madaraka primary school in Buuri constituency during the pioneer graduation ceremony of 750 ‘Ujuzi Mashinani’ graduates, PS Njogu said proficient students will have an added advantage when they receive the green light.

She called on Kenyans to embrace TVET education, citing high demand of highly skilled technical labour both locally and internationally.

PS Njogu underscored the critical role that skill development and international exposure play in shaping the future of the youth.

She lauded area Member of Parliament (MP), Mugambi Rindikiri, for the Ujuzi Mashinani’ initiative, which equips students from 5 TVET institutions, with essential skills and resources to foster their entrepreneurial and professional growth.

The PS said that the national government will work closely with TVETs and polytechnics to secure job opportunities for these students, particularly in the agriculture sector.


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MP Rindikiri said that he decided to launch the programme after realizing that majority of youth in the area were jobless.

“Today’s ceremony is a testament of what we can achieve when we come together to support our youth. The skills and resources provided through this programme will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and success of our young people,” he said.

“This is just the first cohort. We will continue with this programme to ensure that we have a pool of skills here which will enhance our income generation and the general economic development of our constituency,” he added.

He said after the three-month course, all graduates will continue enjoying his support in collaboration with other various government agencies and institutions.

By John Majau

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