PS Kipsang’ asks examiners to maintain integrity during exam administration

Education PS Belio Kipsang. File Photo

The Principal Secretary (PS) for Basic Education, Dr. Belio Kipsang’ has urged examiners to manage this year’s national examinations with integrity.

He was speaking during a meeting with field education officials together with their National Government Administration Officers (NGAO) counterparts on Tueday at Shimo La Tewa Secondary School in Mombasa.

Dr. Kipsang’ told the teachers to pick examination scripts from collection centers, give out the examinations and return answer sheets without disrupting examination administration.

The PS noted the Ministry of Education had put measures in place to ensure that national examinations in the country remain credible.

“As officers deployed to oversee the administration of national examinations, we must ensure that we guard the conduct of examinations against all sorts of malpractices so as to enhance credibility, validity and reliability of the examinations,” he said.

Dr. Kipsang’ lamented that some school heads continue to impose illegal fees on parents to pay teachers teaching remedial classes.

He reiterated that the amount of time prescribed for teaching by the Ministry is sufficient for skills, competencies and knowledge to apply in tackling examinations.

Also present in the meeting were Coast Regional Coordinator Mr. Mbogo Mathioya, Director General Dr. Elyas Abdi, Coast Regional Director of Education, Mr. Lucas Chebet, and County and sub-county Directors from the region.

By Our Reporter


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