PS assures Ministry’s commitment to bolster education standards

By Andanje Wakhungu

Permanent Secretary (PS) for Higher Education and Research Dr. Beatrice Inyangala has assured education stakeholders that the Ministry of Education is committed to ensuring that education standards in the country are improved right from the primary school to university level.

The PS, who was speaking during a funds drive at Lwanda Catholic church in South Kabras, Kakamega, hailed President Ruto for appointing her and assured him that she was equal to the task.

“I want to extend my gratitude to the government of the day for considering me for this position and further ascertain that I will diligently carry out my mandates as a professional. I am ready to drive the education agenda to the next level using my expertise,” she said.

Dr. Inyangala said the government was keen on realigning the education sector and proper mechanisms were already in place to iron out differences in the sector.

The PS, who hails from the county, also lauded the appointment of Malava MP Malulu Injendi as the Education Committee Vice Chairman, a position she noted will assist in improviong education standards in the sub county.

On his part, MP Malulu called on the community to embrace education as it was the only equalizer in this competitive world and assured the locals that the National Government Community Development Fund (NG-CDF) will soon be available for their utilization.

He said that it was important for the country to invest in education to fight poverty and illiteracy.

The Guest of Honor, Ndindi Nyoro who chairs the Parliamentary Budget and Appropriation Committee confirmed that by the time schools reopen next year the ongoing impasse regarding the double transition of Grade 6 and Standard 8 pupils will be settled once and for all.

“The government is committed to streamlining the education sector and we have decided that junior secondary will be accommodated in existing primary schools,” he said.

Ikolomani MP Bernard Shinali encouraged parents to take their children to school assuring them that CDF funds will be available soon.

“I’m the treasurer of the budget committee and we will soon release the funds to constituencies throughout the country,” the MP said.

Former Mumias East MP Benjamin Washiali called on all members of parliament to support education proposals presented in the Assembly as they were tailored to benefit every Kenyan despite their political affiliations.


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