Protect children’s rights, stakeholders told

By Kamundia Muriithi

An educationist has asked stakeholders to address challenges such as early marriage, female genital mutilation and child negligence that faces the African child.

University of Embu Vice Chancellor of Prof Daniel Mugendi said children have rights that must be respected and protected.

He said the social and academic environment a child goes through is crucial for their pursuit of education and life.

Speaking during the celebrations of the Day of African Child held at the University of Embu, he said the university is in the frontline of supporting children by collaborating with neighboring schools to improve their performance.

“The university has established strong connections with relevant stakeholders in matters related to children, such as the department of children services, primary and secondary schools among others to promote the wellbeing and protection of the children,” he said.

The don praised the establishment of the Day for African Children noting that it helps in bringing renewed sense of commitment in addressing the challenges facing the African child.

Embu County Director of Children Services, Davelyne Mundi said many cases of sexual abuse have been reported in their office.

“Some 20 street children have been reunited with their parents while another 25 have been enrolled in a children rescue centre,” said Mundi.

Embu County Chief Officer in charge of Gender and Children Services, Grace Muriithi said the centre will temporarily hold the street children before they are relocated back to their parents.

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