Professional body for accountants accredited as Foreign Qualification Awarding Institution

Awarding of ACCA with a Certificate of Qualifications Equivalence (CoQE) by the KNQA at Villa Rosa Kempinski.

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) has been officially recognized by the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) as a foreign Qualification Awarding Institution as part of KNQA’s broader strategy to ensure that diverse professional qualifications are acknowledged and valued within Kenya’s educational and professional landscape.

The recognition was made formal by awarding ACCA with a Certificate of Qualifications Equivalence (CoQE) by the KNQA during a launch event held at Villa Rosa Kempinski on June 7, 2024.

KNQA aims to ensure that diverse professional qualifications are acknowledged and valued within Kenya’s educational and professional landscape

The launch also provided a platform for ACCA to express its interest in further collaboration with the KNQA.

Speaking at the event, ACCA’s Market Head, George Njari, commended KNQA saying it was tough to get accredited in the country as compared to other nations.

“The process was extremely thorough compared to other regions where the institution has been accredited. We are grateful to the KNQA team for the support offered during the accreditation process. We are looking for more avenues for collaboration,” Njari said.

At the same time, Dr Alice Kande, Director General KNQA, underscored the Authority’s commitment to broadening the scope of recognized qualifications.

“Learning should be flexible and the KNQF seeks to incorporate and recognise all qualifications that meet the set criteria,” she said.


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ACCA also, saw its Strategic Professional Qualification being registered on the Kenya National Qualifications Framework (KNQF) at level 7 in the event, marking a notable milestone for ACCA’s presence in Kenya.

The launch also provided a platform for ACCA to express its interest in further collaboration with the KNQA. The notable one being ACCA is keen to partner on research in talent management and the implementation of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) programme as it aims to enhance the flexibility and inclusivity of professional learning and qualifications in Kenya.

The recognition of ACCA by the KNQA is expected to provide Kenyan professionals with greater opportunities for career advancement and global mobility, reinforcing the importance of accredited professional qualifications in today’s competitive job market.

By Vostine Ratemo

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