Private varsities challenged to expand across borders

By James Wakahiu

Private universities in Eastern and Central Africa have been advised to explore growth and collaboration opportunities in the region instead of solely focusing on their local campuses.

Speaking at the 22nd graduation ceremony of Mount Kenya University (MKU) held at the institution’s main campus in Thika town, Dr Peter Mutuku Mathuki, Secretary General of the East African community (EAC), said the now expanded region will provide a huge market for goods and services.

“The East African Community has recently grown with the coming of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), expanding the market to 300 million people which provides diverse opportunities for service and commodity marketing,” said Dr Mathuki as the chief guest, where over 4,500 students graduated.

Although MKU is East and Central Africa’s largest private university, he challenged the management to open more branches across the region to continue developing human capacity.

Dr Mathuki charged MKU founder and board chairman Prof Simon Gicharu and the university council to pursue excellence in entrepreneurial promotion within East Africa.

Prof Gicharu agreed, noting that with support from the EAC secretariat and the government of Tanzania, MKU will soon reach out to the Tanzanian community as well as to the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan.

He also encouraged the youth to apply for the government’s Hustler Fund and open simple businesses instead of remaining idle at home.

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