Private universities want review of new funding model


Private universities in Kenya have called for a review of the new universities’ funding model that will see students acquire scholarships individually.

The higher education institutions say the new funding model is discriminatory for students who have applied to private universities as they will receive the funding to a certain extent as opposed to their counterparts in public universities.

While speaking at Kabarak University Vice-chancellors from 20 institutions say they will appeal to the government to review some of the terms of funding.

“KAPU will Appeal to the government to review the funding model that has been provided, in the meantime private universities have put in place measures to support and sustain universities in the future,” Vice Chancellor, CUEA Professor Stephen Mbugua said.

Management University of Kenya VC Professor Washington Okeyo added: “There was a funding model DUC that has been used in the past, that funding model allowed students to be placed in all universities and the money followed them wherever they went….the current model is discriminatory, places those in private universities as less than others.”

A total of Ksh.1.6 billion has been pumped to fund university students under the new model that takes effect in September 2023.

By Our Reporter

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