Private schools shine in Kisumu

Celebrations at Hekima school in Kisumu with the director Dr Richard Guya speaking to the press at the learning institution.

Private schools in Kisumu registered sterling performances in the just released KCPE results.

For example, all candidates at Hekima School in Kisumu scored over 350 marks, with many of them getting 400 and above.

Director Dr Richard Guya said the last candidate scored over 300 marks.

Guya attributed the superb results to hard work and determination among the candidates, teachers and parents.

The director said they had expected good results due to the investment in high level preparations.

At MM Shah Primary and Junior Secondary School, several students scored over 400 marks with Sydney Ouko emerging top with 413 marks followed by Natasha Otieno with 411.

The head teacher Michael Oriedo said the results were beyond their expectations.

Other schools which performed well include Xaverain, Arya, Elite Academy, Golden Elites, Kisumu Junior, and Citam, among others.

Fredrick Odiero

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