Private school owners affirm their support for CBC

By Education News Reporter

Private schools owners in Kisii have proclaimed their determination to support the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in every way to see that it succeeds.

Speaking at Nyamache town in Kisii County, Olympic  Junior Academy Director Mr. Zachary Onduso said that private schools had invested a lot in the system and it would be  a big loss and disappointment to children and them if the curriculum was to be abolished.

“Six years down the line is not a short period to adopt a system and then abandon it prematurely,” he said.

The Director said that abolishing the child-centered curriculum would be of negative psychological impact to the pupils who had already blended and grown in it.

He appealed to the newly appointed task force to move with speed and assure the public that the curriculum was viable.

Onduso urged the public not to politicize the matter saying that they should exercise patience as the CBC review team gets to work.

The concern follows observations by parents and teachers unions notably KUPPET and KNUT that key stakeholders were not included in the task force.

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