Principals urged to take steps to improve schools’ performance

By Tsozungu Kombe

Principals in public secondary schools in the six counties in Coast region have been urged to take necessary measures to improve academic performance.
Coast Regional education Coordinator, Mr. Abdikadir Kike noted that some public secondary schools in the six counties in the region had dismal performance in the 2017 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).
He said urgent measures should be taken by all education stakeholders in order to improve both academic standards and national examinations performance in schools in the region.
The Coordinator stated that stakeholders were duty bound in ensuring that education standards in the area have risen to reasonable levels.
Kike told stakeholders that the schools belonged to them and are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that schools produce better national examinations results.
He also urged parents in the region to encourage their school age going children to study extra harder in order to produce better results in national examinations.
Kike however said that private secondary schools in the area posted impressive results in the 2017 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).
“You should also monitor how your children perform in their studies both at school and at home”, the Coordinator told parents.

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