Principal appointed as National Coordinator for schools against climate change

Coordinator climate

Principals from Kisii and Nyamira counties have appreciated the appointment of their colleague from Cardinal Otunga Mosocho High School, Albert Ombiro, as the National Coordinator for Secondary Schools Environment Conservation and Climate Change Mitigations.

Speaking during a one-day seminar on ‘Education and Sustainable Development’ at Ufanisi Hotel in Kisii, Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (KESSHA) Nyamira County Chairman Job Oira said the appointment was a great honour to the association.

He lauded and welcomed the programme saying that it will promote unity among schools and encourage afforestation to protect the local ecosystems.

“I have learnt a lot from the organization and this has changed my attitude from viewing the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) as a policing enemy but a friend to our schools,” he said.

principals climate
A section of Principals during the launch of the environment conservation and climate change mitigation programme.

Dr. Amos Andama, one of NEMA Directors, underscored the importance of mutual partnership towards ensuring the provision of quality education to learners.

“Sustainable education development goals call for holistic development of the child to mold and equip them with relevant knowledge for the 21st century,” he said.

He challenged Principals to establish and strengthen the Scouts, Girl Guides, 4K and Environment clubs in their schools to be the main vehicles of spreading the climate change mitigation message.

“We must equip our children with relevant knowledge on effects of global warming to enable them to be active advocates of the welfare of our environment and cascade it to the future generations,” he said.

Nyamira Boys High School Principal George Onkundi requested the Authority to consider establishing a recycling stands in schools as a pilot project towards the practice of cleaning the immediate environment.

He also asked schools with enough pieces of land to devote them to planting of indigenous trees.

During the meeting, Sironga National and Cardinal Otunga High Principals, Eva Akeyo and Albert Ombiro respectively won the hearts of NEMA officials when they revealed they had already planted 1000 and 500 indigenous trees in their schools.

NEMA Senior Research Officer Mrs. Maurine Nyaboke said that one of the purposes of the authority is to promote integration of environment into development policies geared towards the achievement of vision 2030.

He added that they also take stock of natural resources and render their utilized conservation in the country.

“We endeavour to be the custodians of the environment as our heritage by disseminating the appropriate knowledge to our people by encouraging education for sustainable development,” she said.

The meeting was graced by Kisii County Quality Assurance and Standards Officer (QASO) Mr. Ochieng.

He said TSC was ready to support schools whose institutions demonstrated keen interest in the promotion of environment education.

By Enock Okong’o

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