Principal encourages parents to pay school levies through farm produce 

By Peter Otuoro

Poror High school Principal, Petronila Olale has urged financially challenged parents in Rongai sub county in Nakuru to pay school fees and lunch levy in terms of agricultural commodities in order to give their children a chance to continue with their studies.

“Parents should know that they can bring maize, beans or any other agricultural produce and in exchange, the school administration will give them a receipt based on the value of the commodity they have brought to school,” said Mrs. Olale.

She noted that many parents residing where agriculture is the main economic activity have used the means to educate their children until they completed their education.

“If you bring three sacks of maize, you will be given a receipt based on the current market value of the commodity and your children will proceed with education without interruption,” said the Principal.

She added that students’ enrollment was expected to rise because many parents would see the benefit of paying in form of the products.

Mrs. Olale further encouraged parents to follow the academic progression of their children while in school.

“After paying school fees and providing learning material, parents should also follow keenly the academic progression of their children to motivate them to work hard,” she said.

She admonished the parents who were little or not concerned with their children’s academic progression but waited for the release of examinations results to accuse teachers for poor results.

“The success of the examination is based on cooperation between all education stakeholders who are parents, students and teachers. Through regular following of students’ academic progressive report, parents will be able to cooperate with teachers to improve students’ academic performance,” she said.

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