Principal arrested for attempting to assault supplier, failing to pay for cereals

By Enock Okong’o

A secondary school principal from Nyamache Sub-county has been arrested by the police over an alleged failure to pay a businessperson who supplied food to the school. It is further reported that the principal made attempts to assault the supplier before going on the run.

The complainant said she supplied Botangi Secondary School with sacks of maize and bean worth more than Sh.600,000 on credit on condition that the school will make payments after parents pay school fees.

“I have been going to the school several times but the principal has been giving me false promises. I am in despair,” she said.

She narrated how one day the principal escaped through the window of his office to avoid meeting her when she went to ask for her money, adding that he slapped her another time because her numerous visits were becoming a bane to the school.

That was when she reported the matter to the police who promised to arrest the suspect but it took them a long time because the principal kept on dodging them as he has been absent from school.

It was until Tuesday afternoon when the police set a spy at Nyamache town who alerted them upon spotting the principal whom they arrested.

Nyamache Sub-county Director of Education, Linet Onduso, declined to comment on the matter.

When Education News insisted on the inquiry, she only said she could not comment anymore because the matter was with the police.

Nyamache Sub-county Deputy Commissioner, Esther Kimani, appealed to parents to keep peace in their schools by paying fees promptly to free principals from unnecessary headaches.

Effort to get Nyamache Sub-county police boss to comment on the matter did not yield fruits.


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