Primary school lacks enough toilets

By Achola Matthews

Pupils of Chekulo Fym Primary School in Kabuchai Constituency Bungoma County have missed classes for three weeks due to lack of enough toilets at the institution.
Speaking to Education News on behalf of the school’s headteacher, Mr Simon Makokha the class eight teacher, Mr Erick Webala said the school lacks enough toilets after the boys’ toilets collapsed due to heavy rains pounding the area.
Webala said the school is congested with a student population of over 1,000 pupils in the primary Education section and Early Childhood Development (ECDE). It has only 6 operational toilets.
He noted that the school was closed by the Kabuchai Public Health Officer for schools and now only class eight students come to school because of their ongoing continuous assessment tests before they sit for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams.
Webala appealed to the Ministry of Education, well-wishers and the Bungoma County Government to come to their rescue to enable pupils to continue with their studies.
Mr Webala noted that the school which has only 8 classes is in need of more classrooms.
He added that they have so far received financial aid from the area MP James Lusweti Mukwe towards the construction of new toilets though they cannot start their construction due to a high water table in the school compound.

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