President William Ruto to form taskforce for CBC review

By Obegi Malack and Mutuvi Janet

President Dr. William Ruto has announced plans to review the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) currently being implemented in the country.

President Ruto said that he will set up an education reform task force in the coming weeks that will take in the views of Kenyans on the curriculum.

Speaking during his inaugural speech as the fifth President of Kenya at the Moi International Sports Centre Kasarani on Tuesday, the head of state said the task force would collect views from all players in line with the constitutional demands of public participation

“We are particularly alive to the anxieties of parents on the twin transition of the last 8-4-4 class and the first CBC class in January next year, I assure all that there will be a solution for the matter before then,” he said.

The president’s move comes on the back of concerns raised by parents and stakeholders on government preparedness, limited accommodation and high cost of procuring items required by its learners.

The Kenya Private Schools Association (KPSA) Vice Chairman Solomon Munene reiterated the sentiments saying that they will work hand in hand with the government towards finding a common ground.

He added that KPSA as key stakeholder looks forward to be part of the task force.

On his part, the Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (KESSHA) Chairman Kahi Indimuli said that before the issue is resolved, the stakeholders should ensure that the outcome will be favorable to everyone.

The outgoing president Uhuru Kenyatta stated that he was proud he expanded the education sector by providing adequate resources to all institutions in Kenya including electricity, and internet connectivity.

His major legacy projects in education were implementation of the CBC and the 100 percent transition policy.

In January 2023, approximately 2,512,467 learners are expected to join Secondary Education in accordance in line with the Government policy on 100% transition of learners in Basic Education.

These include 1,268,830 learners enrolled in Grade 6 in 2022 who will transition to Junior Secondary School (Grade 7) under the CBC; and 1,243,637 Standard 8 cohort of 2022 who will transition to Form 1 under the 8:4:4 system..

In his last days in office, Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha said that CBC classrooms which will host Junior Secondary School were at 90% completion ahead of the January 2023 intake.

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