Prepare your students well for the Literature paper, Examiner tells teachers

Dr. Zachary Osuri Migori based experienced teacher of English and Knec examiner has asked literature teachers to prepare their students well for handling set books in class rather than just engaging the thespians to act the plays on stage.

He said such groups are good to motivate and entertain learners but cautioned that unless they are guided, they are likely to mislead learners.

“It’s not good for learners to be exposed to novels like Paul Vitta’s Fathers of Nations when they have not covered them in class,” he said.

He cautioned Secondary School Principals against allowing thespians to come around their schools to perform set books for students without proper vetting.

He asked the teachers of Literature in English, to train their students to perform the set books they have covered in class themselves for the purpose of internalizing their content instead of hiring actors who may act the books out of emotions instead of reason.

The educationist was speaking to students and teachers of English from several schools in Kenyenya Sub County.

The Kenya National Examination Council-Knec chief examiner in English Paper 3 advised teachers to prepare their candidates well for the paper by encouraging them to read the Set books intensively instead of depending on the teachers’ class notes alone.

He asked the language teachers to form language panel groups to enable them to read and comprehend new set books interdependently.

Among the new set books that he assisted the teachers to explore as they discussed demanding areas included, The Fathers of Nations by Paul Vitta and Godwin Siundu’s Anthology of Stories, a silent song.

Other books that featured in the day-long discussions were The Samaritan by John Lara, a new set play for the current form three students.

By Enock Okong’o

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