PP1 pupil fighting for life after mother is struck dead by lightning

Nyamira Referral Hospital

A PP1 pupil from Nyabisimba village in Nyamira County is fighting for his life in Nyamira Teaching and Referral Hospital after he was partly struck by lightning that killed his mother.

According to an eye witness Kerubo Opande, the victim met her death as the two tapped rain water as it trickled from the roof at dawn today.

“The lighting hit the door and tore everything apart including the cupboard,” Opande said.

Villagers who rushed to the scene found the dead mother lying on the floor as her petrified child watched.

The child was placed under care at the hospital as the body of the mother was preserved in the hospital mortuary to await post-moterm.

Nyamira North Police Commander Robert Ndambili confirmed the death.

“It is unfortunate that the mother died but the child is alive and in the safe hands of doctors,” he said.

Ndambili appealed to residents to avoid movement in the open or taking shelter under trees when it is raining to avoid such calamities.

By Enock Okong’o

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