PP1 boy gang-sodomized by 3 men in Nyamira


PP1 boy has been gang-sodomized by three men in Embonga village, Nyamira County.

Reportedly, he had been sent by his grandmother to fetch water when he was dragged to a thicket by his defilers who left him there for death after satisfying their beastly lust.

Passersby who heard the frail cry from the abandoned boy in the thicket, alerted villagers who took the boy to hospital as they launched a man hunt in pursuit of the suspects.

Two suspects were caught at the neighboring Embonga sub location where they sought hideout as the third one took to his heels.


Area Assistant chief George Magata confirmed the arrest saying they are helping the police with investigation.

He appealed to the villagers to report any information on the third suspect to assist with the investigations.

Meshach Nyakundi a retired teacher who spoke on behalf of the family of the assaulted minor, called for quick justice to be done for the victim.

By Enock Okong’o

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