Poor score in Biology locks out aspiring nurses

By Kamundia Muriithi

Educationists and medics have raised concern that the number of students qualifying for the diploma in nursing course has declined due to poor performance in Biology in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination (KCSE).

They said the recent reforms in national examinations meant to curb exam cheating led to many students performing poorly in Biology thus locking them from medical courses.

The entry requirement to pursue a Diploma in Nursing is a mean grade C and a similar score in Biology.

Education CS Prof Magoha
Managing Director Fr Dominic Muriuki, Embu Health CEC Dr Joan Mwende and Catholic Diocese of Embu Bishop Rev Paul Kariuki said the drop in enrollment in the course was likely to create shortage of nurses in the country.

Speaking during a graduation ceremony at Fidenza School of Nursing, Fr Muriuki said even students with a mean of B who had sought to be admitted for the nursing course were turned away as they had a C- grade or lower in Biology.

“Unless one meets the requirements to pursue a nursing course, they cannot even get a nursing license. We encourage secondary school student to create interest in Biology and put more effort to excel in it,” he said.

He added that despite the reduced number of nursing students, colleges endeavour to provide quality and relevant training that churns out diligent health workers.
Dr Mwende said having reduced nursing trainees could create problems at a time hospitals face shortage of nurses.

She called on teachers and parents to encourage students to take Biology seriously as passing well in it is an n entry requirement for medical courses, which she noted are highly marketable.
Rev Kariuki urged the nursing graduates to protect the life of unborn by refusing abortions since life is given by God.

He said in case of unwanted pregnancies, the girl or woman should not terminate the pregnancy as human life is sacred, but can give out the child for adoption.

“As you go out there to serve humanity, have a mission of safeguarding life. Life begins at conception. Don’t be an instrument of death, but be ambassadors of life,” he counseled.

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