Poor parenting cause of rising school strikes, says MP

By Denis Lumiti   

Parents have been urged to be good examples to their children so as to tame the rising cases of truancy in schools.

Khwisero MP Christopher Aseka said many children follow the behaviour of their parents and guardians as others imitated leaders including politicians who sometimes misbehave in public.

Aseka said the recent destructive incidents in several schools across the country had a lot to do with poor upbringing.

“Parents and leaders should be good role models to their children and the general public. Most cases of indiscipline amongst learners originate from home,” he added.

The legislator was speaking at his home in the constituency when he bade farewell to 800 students who have been placed on full scholarships by the area NG-CDF and his Aseka Miradi Foundation. 

The students were at home for the mid-term break.

He said they would ensure that the 800 scholars study up to university level.

Aseka said he was happy that none of the schools in his constituency were affected by the recent incidents of school fires.

“I congratulate our learners, teachers and school boards for maintaining high levels of discipline that have ensured peace and tranquility in our institutions,” he added.

Aseka said the modern storey learning blocks put up in seven secondary schools in the constituency at a cost of Sh60 million were now complete and ready for use and the second phase would commence soon.

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