Poor KCSE results leads to protests against School Principal

By Allan Kibet

Students at St. Daniel Comboni Kaptabuk Boys High School in West Pokot have, in protest, demanded the transfer of their principal due to poor Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination results which were released on April 23.

In show of discontent, the students walked to the office of the Deputy County Commissioner in Lelan, saying the school performance in the 2021 KCSE was poor and below their expectations as the mean score was 3.9, a drastic drop from the 5.4 recorded the previous year.

The Assistant County Commissioner for Lelan Division Godfrey Otagi asked the enraged students to leave the matter to be addressed by the Ministry of Education officials.

He thanked the students for staging the protests without resorting to violence and not destroying school property.

Kaptabuk Chief, Achere Romano, revealed that there were pertinent issues between the principal and the teachers.

“They complain of incompetent Board of Management (BoM) teachers who have been given the mandate to be class teachers while their experience and qualifications are not satisfying,” said Achere.

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