Police try to unravel kidnap, defilement of school girl

School police girl

Police investigating the mysterious defilement of JSS student

Police investigations are underway in Chuka, Tharaka-Nithi County, after a 12-year old Junior Secondary School (JSS) girl from a public primary school in Mwonge location was reportedly kidnapped from inside a dormitory and defiled in a nearby bush.

The incident is reported to have taken place on March 24th between 1AM and 3PM, according to Chuka Sub-county Police Commander Paul Kuria.

He said the traumatised girl woke up the matron, who was sleeping in her room, and narrated to her the most unpleasant events that she had gone through.

The victim reported that a masked man armed with a panga entered the dormitory through a window  near her bed at around 1AM and dragged her out of the dormitory into a nearby bush, where he defiled her.

The sad part is that the incident is similar to one that happened in the same school last year.

Even though the case is in court, the one behind the incident is yet to be identified. Nonetheless, the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) officers are going on with investigations.

Police say victim was treated in hospital

The institution has both primary and junior secondary sections with 26 boys and 19 girls, totalling to 45 learners in boarding school.

The victim has been treated at Chuka County Referral Hospital, where medics have confirmed she had been defiled.

Kuria urged school administrators to invest in security to avoid such incidents.

By Vostine Ratemo

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