Police launch investigations into Riooga Secondary fire

By Enock Okong’o

Nyamira County police have launched investigations into the cause of a fire that razed down a dormitory at Riooga Secondary School.

According to the administration, the fire started on Tuesday morning when the learners had left for their morning studies.

“The fire was spotted billowing up the sky by our students who got scared and caused a commotion,” reported a security guard.

He said that the panicking students broke the school fence and sought refuge in homes in the surrounding villages.

The guard said that when the county fire fighters reported at the scene, they found the dormitory and everything in it burnt beyond salvation.

Masaba North Deputy County Commissioner was among the first people to arrive at the school to comfort the learners and their teachers.

Flanked by security officers, he called for calm to prevail at the school and promised security for the students and the staff.

“Let the community around assist us to gather the scattered learners to return to school because sanity has returned,” appealed the officer.

Keroka Police Commander Mr. Robert Ndambiri confirmed that his security officers had been instructed to leave no stone unturned during their investigations.

“I have personally  instructed my security officers to act swiftly for detailed findings,” he said.

He said that the officers had not yet established the cause of the fire nor arrested any suspect so far.

The school Principal was yet to estimate the cost of the damage at the time of posting this story.

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