Police launch investigations into assault of student by teachers


Police officers in Imenti North Sub Country in Meru have launched investigations after a Form One student was allegedly assaulted by two teachers, leaving him seriously injured in his private parts.

The unfortunate incident happened when the boy was punished after some students complained that he did not serve them their rightful share of meat during dinner.

Area police boss Ezekiel Chepkwony said after the incident was reported on March 23, and the P3 form filled the following day, the said teachers from Kaaga Boys High School were summoned and released on cash bail, pending investigations.

“Police officers have launched investigations over the incidence. After we establish exactly what happened, we will take action and those found culpable will be arrested and prosecuted,” said Mr Chepkyony.

The 14-year-old boy had on February 28 served his 16 colleagues their favourite meal including beef but they discovered that there were eight pieces instead of 16 after the food was served, driving students who missed their share to complain to the teachers, threatening to riot.

The minor said the two teachers assaulted him, with one of them hitting him with a cane and kicking him in his private parts.

“They asked me to bend down and hold the desk. While he hit me repeatedly on my back, I felt sharp pains in my private parts and begged him to stop, but he continued.

“I suffered because I could not sit properly and walked with difficulty. I decided to endure the pain until the March 16 when we were allowed to break for the mid-term exams,” the boy said.

On arrival in Mombasa, he told his parents what had happened and the incident was reported to Makupa Police Station on March 17.

Thereafter, the boy was treated at Gama medical clinic in Kisauni.

A report written by Dr Ajoni Adede at the clinic said there was a “blunt object injury” to the boy’s scrotum and both thighs, which were also bruised.

“The scrotum is swollen and tender, while both thighs are tender and have three 10cmx2cm bruises. Scrotal ultrasound shows no bleeding within the scrotum. He also has post-traumatic anxiety,” the report says.

Leah Wangui Njuguna, a counselling psychologist who saw the boy at Micruth Counselling Services, also in Mombasa, says he is “traumatized, bitter and confused with many unanswered questions”.

The boy’s father said he was considering on transferring his son to another school, noting that his first term of learning had been disrupted.

But he complains that there is a conspiracy to cover up the case.

“Some people in the school management are calling me and telling me that I will be compensated, but I cannot accept that. My son was attacked and injured and I want justice because he is now traumatized,” he said by phone from Mombasa, where the family lives.

“There have been attempts to settle the case out of court but the law must take its course so that the perpetrators are brought to book and stop torturing children for no reason,” he added.

By John Majau

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