Police in Nandi arrest JSS teacher caught defiling Grade 7 girl

A Junior Secondary School (JSS) teacher spent his weekend at Songhor Police Sation, Nandi County after he was found defiling a Grade 7 student in a maize plantation.

The 38-year old teacher Eric Rotich was fished out of the maize farm by irate members of the public who were attracted by cries from the minor calling for help.

The teacher is reported to have parked his motorcycle by the roadside after waylaying the pupil who was heading home with maize flour from an area posho mill.

Tindiret Sub-County Police Commander Mohammed Jireh confirmed the arrest and said that once investigations are done, he will be arraigned at the Maraba Law Courts in Tinderet.

“The victim was taken to Meteitei Sub-District Hospital for treatment and further investigations,” Jireh said.

The suspect is a JSS teacher at Sigoria Junior Secondary School while her victim is a pupil at the neighbouring junior secondary school.

By Vostine Ratemo

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