Police hunt for youth who killed schoolboy over food

By Enock Okong’o

Police from Nyamira county are looking for a youth who allegedly killed his cousin after a quarrel over food.

According to Bonyamatuta area chief, Mr Andrew Mokaya, the suspect reported at his victim’s home and found him having lunch and asked to be given a share.

His cousin gave him the food but he was reportedly not satisfied and complained that it was too small for him.

Instead of eating it, he used it to hit his cousin on the face and a quarrel ensued.

The suspect then took a kitchen knife which he used to stab his victim several times in the head and stomach before he took to his heels.

The matter was reported to Nyamira police who started to look for the youth immediately.

The body of the deceased who was identified as Monte  Kibaki, a primary schoolboy, was removed to Nyamira Teaching and Referral Hospital Mortuary for postmortem examination.

Nyamira County Commissioner Amos Mariba decried the rising cases of child abuse and consequent killings in the area. He attributed the vices to negligence exhibited by parents as they left the burden of child moulding to teachers. “Parental care is a personal responsibility that should not be transferred to any other parties,” he advised.

The administrator appealed to the parents, teachers and churches to intensify guidance and counselling services in the community so cases of drug abuse and suicide among the adolescents could be averted.

He observed that in the old days when child discipline and nurturing belonged to the whole community, unlike these days when people stay in a carefree world, cases of child abuse and negligence were few.

Mr Mariba asked the police to move with speed to arrest the  suspect and arraign him in court.

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