Police arrest woman for aiding defilement of disabled school girl

Police in Etago sub-county have arrested a woman who is believed to have assisted a man to defile a school girl living with disability.

According to residents of Boige Village in South Mugirango constituency, Kisii county, the woman identified as Bisieri separated with her husband and started a hotel business at Etago town.

Trouble occurred on Tuesday when the girl visited the hotel and was served with a cup of tea and mandazi but when she tried to pay, she was stopped by the woman.

Bisieri ordered her to enter the kitchen where she locked her inside with the man who had reportedly paid her Ksh500 to lure the girl into the spot.

After raping the girl, the man left warning the girl not to tell anybody about the incident but when she reached home, her parents noted her walking with difficulty.

During interrogation, she revealed that she had been raped and was rushed to Etago Health Centre where she was placed under medication.

“There was proof of rape from her torn pants and traces of blood from her groin area,” said an Etago Medical Officer.

The parents later reported the matter to the police who launched a manhunt but the suspect was already on the run.

Kisii County Police Commander Charles Kesses led the arrest of Bisieri, who continues to assist them with investigations.

Commander Kesses asked parents to take care of their children and cautioned residents against hiding criminals who live amongst them.

By Enock Okong’o

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