Physically challenged student wins in drama festival

By Lydia Ngoolo

When the bell rang and curtains were pulled, he appeared on stage with walking sticks, many thought it was just acting and maybe his item required such tools. To everyone’s amazement safe for those from his school, it turned out to be his walking aid.

Then the boy from Mumbuni secondary school Benjamin Mulwa Muendo started his stand-up comedy and brought the whole theatre hall to silence with every ear keen to listen and follow what he was saying.

The sub county drama festivals were being held at Katoloni Secondary School in Machakos County.

Inside the performing hall, the adjudicators were glued too and by the look of things, they only noted down few things unlike in other items presented by different students.

Muendo told Education Newspaper he had high hopes that his item will win since he had thoroughly practiced through his patrons help.

Despite becoming physically challenged when he was only four years old, he has always stood tall and believed in himself.

“I was told we were playing with my elder brother and he was pushing a wheelbarrow but unfortunately I felled injuring my spinal cord which affected my legs. I must thank God for the improvement over the years at least my nerve senses are back,” Muendo.

He says that he underwent a surgery in Kenyatta National Hospital to correct the problem. Currently, there is a physiotherapist who visits his school for treatment instead of him going to Machakos Level Four Hospital which he feels is better.

The student said he believes in himself and encourages the others not to give up as far as they are mentally upright. He added that even in primary school he used to reach national levels in drama.

Surprisingly, his parents wanted him to join physically challenged school after primary but he strongly refused, saying that only his spinal had problem not his brain. He then joined Mumbuni Secondary School where he interacts well with other students.

“No discrimination; the students, teachers and everybody loves me very much. They even request to offer me help and support that I don’t really need. See even as we talk here some are coming to check if everything is okay with me. I love them equally,” said Muendo.

He still strongly believes that he will win even at county level and go all the way to the highest levels.

One of the adjudicators, Mary Muthama, encouraged the students to take drama serious as it is a form of employment.

“It was quiet encouraging to see this young man who believes in himself. Do not be discouraged by anything,” Muthama.

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