Parliament promises to promote good working relationships between TSC and teachers

MP Julius Melly speaks in Nandi Central. Melly says the Education Committee will ensure good working relations between teachers and their employer TSC. Photo: Kimutai Langat

The National Assembly Education Committee has promised to ensure good working relations between teachers and their employer TSC.

Chairperson Julius Melly observed that persistent disputes have curtailed efforts to better academic standards in the country.

Speaking in Nandi Central, Melly noted the committee has advised the government to address issues raised by the JSS teachers.

“The issues raised by the JSS teachers are genuine. As a committee in charge of education, we have advised the government to address the issues,” he said.

The Tinderet MP assured that funds will be set aside in the Financial Year 2024-25 budget for the employment of 26,000 interns on Permanent and Pensionable terms.


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According to him, there are plans to hire qualified individuals to serve as TVET instructors and other departments in the Education Ministry.

“Technical skills are crucial in the government’s plan to make Kenyan youths job creators. As a result, the government is set to hire qualified individuals to serve at TVETs and other Education departments,” added Melly.

Melly further rooted for unity and peaceful coexistence among Kenyans regardless of their perceived differences, saying the Kenya Kwanza came to power on the platform of promoting the virtues.

The government intended to extend the teachers’ contracts for another year, a plan that did not augur well with the interns, leading to nationwide demonstrations.

By Kimutai Langat

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