Parents warned against child labour during holidays

A bodaboda rider carrying firewood. Parents in Narok have been warned for forcing children to ride bodabodas to collect firewood.

Parents in Narok have been issued a stern warning against engaging their children in forced labor during the school holiday.

The Director of Education for Trans Mara West Sub County Crispin Otieno expressed concern over reports that some parents are involving their children in illicit activities such as transporting changaa beer from neighboring sub-counties and selling firewood, instead of allowing them to focus on their studies.

Otieno announced a collaborative effort between his office and the police to apprehend parents who exploit their children in such illegal businesses.

He emphasized that such actions not only violate the rights of the children but also hinder the national agenda of reforesting the country.

Expressing disbelief, Otieno questioned the wisdom of parents encouraging their children to engage in activities detrimental to the environment while the country is actively working towards reforestation.

He urged parents to guide their children towards constructive recreational activities, such as soccer and group studies, during the holiday season, emphasizing that holidays are meant for positive child-to-parent bonding.

Addressing a public meeting at Keiyan Division, Otieno commended parents for discontinuing the harmful practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

He acknowledged that government sensitization efforts have contributed to the decline in FGM practices, although some rogue parents still collude with unscrupulous nurses to perpetrate these acts.

Otieno urged residents to report any instances of FGM to the police.

Sebastian Ole Goya, an elder from Masurura, expressed gratitude to the government for discouraging cultural rites of passage for girls.

He warned against the false belief that early marriage signifies maturity, emphasizing the adverse health effects of FGM, including significant blood loss and complications during childbirth.

By Enock Okong’o

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