Parents warned against attacking teachers over poor KCSE results

West Pokot KNUT Secretary Martin Sembelo. He said parents are equally to blame for poor results.

Parents have been warned against attacking teachers over poor national examination results as they too have a part they played along the chain.

Addressing the press, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) West Pokot Branch Secretary Martin Sembelo stated that success is a collective duty and parents should also carry the burden of blame.

“Attacks on teachers witnessed in the country is unacceptable. Good results are a collective responsibility and it is wrong to blame teachers alone (when they are bad). As a union we cannot allow this to continue,” he said.

He described it is as shameful, unacceptable and a gross violation of the teachers’ rights.

Lamenting that politicians were the ones inciting parents instead of being on the forefront seeking solutions, Sembelo underscored the need for dialogue, noting that amicable solutions should be sought through laid down procedures.

“If there is a problem in school, parents should embrace talks. As teachers we are ready for that. I also want to warn politicians against inciting parents to storm schools. KNUT will not tolerate that and if such continues, we shall withdraw our teachers from the affected schools,” added Sembelo.

KNUT further warned against discrimination of teachers, adding that all tutors in the country are well and equally trained.

Cases of parents storming schools over poor 2023 KCSE results have been on the rise, with The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) even withdrawing teachers from some schools to ensure their safety.

By Evans Langat

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