Parents want holiday tuition reinstated for better results

A teacher supervises a lesson during extra tuition hours. Parents in Homa Bay are calling for a resumption of holiday tuition to improve performance in national exams.

Homa Bay parents have asked the Ministry of Education (MoE) to lift the ban on holiday tuition, complaining that standards of education have fallen since it was banned.

“Nyanza region used to perform well and lead in national examinations but the culture started dying gradually when holiday tuition was outlawed,” said Peter Oduor.

He said that tuition creates time for remedial teaching as it balances the slow and the fast learners.

Mary Adhiambo said holiday tuition enables teachers to spend time with the slow learners so that results improve, while John Opondo said it has worked in many countries and Kenya should not be an exception, citing success stories in Tanzania, Cambodia, Japan and South Africa.

Observing that the year has been characterized by many interruptions, including the recent El-nino and Gen Z anti-Financial Bill protests, he said the government should allow willing teachers to conduct holiday tuition to enable them to complete the syllabus in time for revision as national examinations approach.

“Both public and private holiday tuition used to bar our children from indulging in bad habits like drug abuse because they were kept busy,” another parent Paul Agome said.

The government outlawed holiday tuition more than a decade ago, citing financial exploitation of parents by teachers and overburdening the learner instead of giving them rest.

The August holidays which begin this week will last three weeks.


KUPPET gives strongest hint yet of teachers strike in September

By Enock Okong’o 

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