Parents Want Form one Admission Extended


Migori Parents now want the ministry of education to extend the duration for form one admission to help eliminate issues where students are forced to join secondary schools without paying school fees and personal items.

Speaking to education news, Migori County parents association chair Mr. Julius Kiverenge asked the education CS Professor George Magoha to consider extending form one admission to enable parents source for school fees and other personal items required by their children in school.

Kiverenge claimed some of the issues that have been highlighted in the media where it has forced school heads to assist some families in seeking for sponsorship are as a result of panic by parents as they fear arrests for not taking their children to school.

“Parents are in panic over being arrested and therefore they are forced to take their children to school for admission even without personal items,” said Kiverenge. “The government has put a lot of pressure on parents by giving a shorter duration to be able to provide all the requirements needed in schools where their children have been called to attend,” he added.

The parents association chair also blamed some of the parents for taking advantage of the directive by the government to take their children to school with nothing with the main aim of getting sponsors yet they are not needy and can provide for their children.

“Some of the cases that have been highlighted in the past are not genuine as some are. Some parents now report to the schools where their children have been called empty handed because they believe they will be able to get assistance from well wishers if they do so,” claimed Kiverenge.

He however called on parents to make an effort of providing for their children until they become of age by ensuring they prepare for the task ahead of education them through secondary education even before they seat for the Kenya certificate for primary education.

Noting that the number of those whom have joined secondary schools in form one through sponsorship this year has increased, he added that after consulting several parents from within the county, he can confirm that this has been caused by the government giving a shorter duration for form one admission and threats to arrest parents who fail to take their children to school by the deadline.

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